Auto Thief Game is the Popular Game. It is the way to Analyse Thieft attacks ,
Vehicle theft is the number one property crime - estimate Americans Approximately more than $7.6 billion every year.
The Insurance Information Institute estimates that auto theft and fraud increases insurance Premiums for all drivers by $200 - $300 per year.
The cost of a car has no relation to which cars are stolen as most cars are stolen for the value of their parts. Thieves look for older vehicles that can be easily dismantled for parts which can be sold easily and quickly. These parts can be worth 2 to 3 times more than the value of the automobile.
According to the National Insurance Crime Bureau, popular cars for thieves to steal are the Toyota Camry, Nissan Sentra, and Honda Accord and Civic.
According to the National Insurance Crime Bureau, 62 % of stolen vehicles are ultimately found, with varying levels of damage.
To report a vehicle in the act of being stolen, dial 911.To report a vehicle stolen AFTER THE FACT, contact the Timeserver Unit at (713) 884-3131. You will need your driver's license information, vehicle identification number, license plate number, description of your vehicle, particularly any important changes such as custom wheels, tires, etc. Any component parts that you can identify by serial number or personal identification number. This can include any unique markings or specific damage that you will recognize. Make every attempt to have your title or registration ready. The license plate, vehicle identification number, and an accurate description are important.
Allstate thinks the most important step that consumers can take against vehicle theft is to have the right safeguard. State-mandated minimum insurance coverage typically does not cover vehicle theft. Consumers need to be sure their policy includes comprehensive coverage, in addition to collision and liability, to be protected against theft.
If your vehicle was towed or repossessed, and the storage location, contact Records Division Tow Line at (713) 308-8580. Please have your license plate or vehicle identification number ready.
To get a copy of your report, please contact our Record Division at (713) 921-8750.
If you have lost or misplaced your case number, please call the auto theft office that is investigating your case. East Side (281) 446-4399 West Side (713) 849-3293
If your vehicle has been recovered and the storage location, please call our Message Center at (713) 755-6042.
It is important that you report all incidents to us as quickly as possible regardless of how it was caused. You can report it to us on our 24 hour free phone number - 0800 783 4433. We will take full details of the theft, which means that in many cases we are able to start the repair process without the need for you to complete a claim form.
Have your policy number ready. Full details of the damage and location of your vehicle, if it has been recovered. Details of the Police Authority which the theft has been reported too.
We will not consider a claim for replacement locks or keys, unless the keys have been used to subsequently steal your vehicle. However, if this situation occurs, you must take immediate steps to secure your vehicle as we may be unable to deal with a claim for its theft if you fail to do so.
Contact Nuisance Abatement at 875-5656
For crimes reported in Sacramento County, contact the Sheriff's Records Section at 711 G Street,Sacramento, CA 95814 (Phone: 874-5383). For all others, contact the responsible law enforcement agency.
Contact the Sheriff's Towing Enforcement at 876-6641 (Monday - Friday, 8:00am-3:30pm), the Sheriff's Communications Center at 874-5115 (24 hours/7 days), or any law enforcement agency with access to the California Law Enforcement Telecommunications System (CLETS)
Contact your local Sheriff's Service Center for the telephone number of the Crime Analysis section in your area.
First and foremost, you need to ensure that items taken in a crime are identified as stolen property so they can be returned to you if later located. This relates to physical property, but, just as critically, account numbers and other personal identifying information may be compromised and later used in other crimes. Secondly, many law enforcement crime prevention resources are focused using crime statistics from reported crimes. Thirdly, many insurance companies will not process claims related to crimes without a valid report.
Auto Thief Game is the Popular Game. It is the way to Analyse Thieft attacks ,