Auto Thief Game is the Popular Game. It is the way to Analyse Thieft attacks ,
Lock it up. Lock your vehicle at all times, close all windows and sun roof and take your keys. Proximately 50 percent of all vehicles stolen were left unlocked.
Nearly 13 percent of all vehicles stolen had the keys in them. The car thieves can outsmart you by knowing all the hiding places. So never hide a second set of keys in or on your vehicle.
Park in well-lit areas, near sidewalks or walkways. Avoid parking near dumpsters or large vans or trucks. These obstacles decrease your ability to see the space surrounding your vehicle clearly, where thieves or carjackers could be hiding.
Protect Your Data - Beware of Identity fraud. Don't leave important documents such as bank Statements, credit card bills/statements or other Personal information in your vehicle. Car thefts can use this vital information against you and steal your bank money by accessing your bank or credit card accounts.
Never leave the registration or title in your car. If stolen, this makes it easier for the thief to dispose of your vehicle. Keep it with your driver's license or on your person.
Park in well lit areas with plenty of pedestrian traffic, or when possible, in attendant lots. If you have to leave your key with an attendant, leave only the ignition and door key.
Never leave your vehicle running unattended. Vehicles are commonly stolen at ATMs, convenience stores, and gas stations etc. Many vehicles are also stolen on cold mornings when the owner leaves the vehicle running to warm it up.
Always use your emergency brake when parked. In addition to ensuring safety, using the emergency brake makes your car harder to tow. Also, turn the wheels toward the curb. This makes towing your vehicle more difficult. Thieves use tow trucks to steal vehicles.
If your vehicle is rear-wheel drive, back into your driveway. Conversely, if your vehicle is front-wheel drive, pull forward into your driveway. Always use your emergency brake. This makes towing difficult.
Park in your garage. If you have a car porch / garage in your house, always park your car at those places and never park them outside of your house. Lock the gates or the garage as well as your car windows.
In high theft areas the Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) should be etched on windows, doors, fenders and trunk lid. This makes it difficult for a thief to market your stolen car parts.
Remove the electronic ignition fuse, coil wire, rotor, distributor, or otherwise disable your vehicle if you are leaving it unattended for an extended period.
Replace "T" shaped Door Locks With Straight Locks. Some vehicle doors have lock assemblies at window level that flare out in a knob or "T' shape. A thief can use various tools to gain access inside the vehicle, grab and pull the lock. Straight locks prevent this.
The One is not enough. There are many cars anti theft devices that are mushrooming in the auto market like nobody's business. Although I will not say that these car anti theft devices may 100% prevent car thefts altogether, but at least it will prolong their time to steal your car and bring them one heck of a tough time to hack into your vehicle. So if you happen to park your car in high theft areas, never rely on just one device alone. Use as many as you can.
Follow these quick and easy tips to make your home less vulnerable to residential burglary.
Trim all shrubbery so that it is at least six inches below the bottom of your windows.
Trim tree limbs so that they are at least eight feet off the ground, leaving a clear field of vision.
Use outside lighting in an efficient and appropriate manner by investing in timers and motion sensors.
You may need window treatment (blinds, curtain) to prevent someone from looking inside your home at night.
All exterior doors should be equipped with deadbolt locks with a minimum one-inch throw.
Sliding glass doors should be equipped with secondary locks.
Always lock your doors and windows when leaving your house.
Repair or replace all broken or inoperative windows, doors lights and locks.
If you have an automatic garage door, make sure it closes securely when you leave your home.
Make sure you perform regular maintenance on our alarm.
Record the serial numbers of your valuables or mark them with your driver's license number so that they can be identified if stolen.
Photograph your valuables, especially your jewelry.
Get to know your neighbors; they are your best defense and canonly report suspicious activity when they know who or what doesn't belong in the area.
Consider joining your local Neighborhood Crime Watch Association.
Report all suspicious activity to the Santa Barbara Police Department.
Auto Thief Game is the Popular Game. It is the way to Analyse Thieft attacks ,